
Sometimes I wish I could be a bubble Be a beautiful iridescence Keep my rose-colored glasses on And ascend ever higher But for all their shine They are temporary And I am not.

The Eternal Rose

Sun doesn’t set, Moon doesn’t rise, Days are endless for Rose.   Floating among stars, Observant always, Placid smile, gaze wanders.   Center of the universe, Mistress of eternity, Shining bright in the Heavens.   Who or what she is, No one quite knows, Not…

A Special Rose

A flower blooms as beautiful as its gardener foretold. In a garden only of weeds with bold and bright petals. One predicted a flower so magnificent and nurtured ever so gently. Fragrantly tender, sweet as cinnamon rising above lifeless soil of thistles.

NAS #7

Birthday rose the color of purity, or brand new, unused cloth diapers, (I remember those days so fondly.) The green leaves are the same shade as the grass my sweet husband mows. Standing as tall as 150% the height of the vase (I don’t really…