Keep glib quotations away from me Remove patronising soporific poetry   I don’t care for prayers   Nothing satisfies or placates me in your inevitable absence   I still rise early to greet you to make you laugh and tell you stories   To hear…

Voice in the Silence

Steady and quiet, only you can hear its call and recognize the tone, the cry, the cadence and timbre rising from within, wanting to be heard, fighting to not be ignored or pushed down. Sometimes it soothes, at times it warns, but it is always…

2020 – 1

Taking your voice And giving it – but not away To others Who are less fortunate And can’t afford To have their own Yours will be heard Will echo – far Carrying their lives That some of them Live not by choice

A message to 12

You are older now a lot of time has passed, months years maybe even weeks and or seconds, since you last read this. 12 what a time what a year the first love, first loss, first death and suicidal thoughts, first fight, first lie, first…


I hope to create in this life more than a noise and to leave behind, as I go, more than an echo. It might seem like vanity, but truly it’s an ambition. For my dreams are surreal and my soul is electric and I hope…