My body is a liar

it’s a cheating hoe

that never listens when I give it compliments

never logs my dairy/wheat/sugar free menu


My body is a liar

its a dealer gone dirty

that won’t give me insulin

though I’m dying.


My body is a liar

that looks unloved and uncared for

though I lavish it with care and attention

and believe me, it is loved.


My body is a liar.


I’m free


from bonds of addiction

from bonds of guilt

from fun accoutrements

that make a meal a festivity.


I’m free


dairy free

wheat free

sugar free


I define myself by the things I miss but I call it freedom.


My body of water is the Pacific

a fluid flow

expands, recedes

a tide of discomfort

too small, too big for one pair of jeans.


I don’t believe in the god in the box


cramped by corners of predestination

elbow room cut by eschatology

hemmed by rafters splintering doctrine


God’s expanse is bigger than your belief

or your forked tongue of unbelief

and his ness is beyond accredited description

and correct Greek translations.


I don’t believe in the god in the box.




I’m not sure if this is okay or not… but I haven’t been online all day at the conference. however, I did spend quite a bit of the time poetizing on my phone! so here goes! 😉

Hi all!

here I am… booyah! I love meeting up with other poets, this is an awesome idea!

So, I am crazy, but I am going to a creativity conference tomorrow at the same time. I thought that it would be the perfect challenge to do them together… but I might be late on posting new pieces!

I’ve been wanting to create a collection about PCOS for a long time. I have it – Polycistic Ovary Syndrome – as do an estimated 5-10% of women. And it totally sucks! I’ve started a new lifestyle of owning it and being a “PCOS Diva.” Part of this change, I decided, would be that I should start writing about it.

So I want this to be the beginning of a collection about life with PCOS. I can see lots of things shooting off of this – life with diabetes, endocrinological problems, “women’s problems,”… I would love to create a collection and gather others for an anthology!

So if this sounds like you or someone you know, get in touch. I don’t have any definite plans yet, but I would love to start the ball rolling. (Look up “The Atelier Project” on Amazon to see a similar project of mine.)

So maybe I’ll make it, maybe I won’t, but yippee! really excited to be a part of this.


(oh, about me… I moved from the nw Scottish highlands to Portland Oregon last fall; I’m married to a Lewis boy; from Montana and Louisiana; we have the world’s cutest baby, named Jack. I’m the author of Today, She Is (wipf & stock, 2014), and my poems and stories have appeared in several places including The Wayfarer (forthcoming), Ink, Sweat & Tears and Crooked Holster. I have an MLitt in Creative Writing from the University of Glasgow (2015), I studied creative writing at the Oxford Dept. of Cont. Ed. Creative Writing Summer Course (2012), and I’m the editor of the blog Paper Mill. I’m passionate about the magic of creativity and I love northwest coasts!