Amanda in Motion

(For hour 12—nonet prompt for Onweald)   Amanda in Motion (by the character Nigel Taiman)   She is beauty and death together with her weapon an extension of each movement in battle. Using her geasa’n skill, Amanda’s steeped in perfection, grace. Reflecting justice, love.

Sleeping at the lake

Summer nights at the lake frequently found me asking if I could go to bed early, thus confounding my elders who knew from others the battles waged getting visiting grandchildren in bed but we were studious viewers of the channel 7/12 news with special attention…

College Dreams

I will be gone in a year, Progress is the only way to success I will miss you but I have to move on with my life too. I will visit every now and then. Don’t make this harder than it has to be with…


Sweat, pain, and tears. Anger, hatred, and fears. Cast out amongst the throng. No end in sight.   Questions of self worth are brought to light.   Boxes, bags, assorted crates. Tables, chairs, and bed frames. No money for gas. No place to live.  …