Sonnet 25

Thy serpent tongue twists all thy truths to lies

And devil’s gleam lies content in thyne eye,

But that won’t shift my heart: I fail to try,

For when thou art near, what I feel, oh my!

I know thou cheat: life is a game to thee

Where all who surrounds ye is pushed and     pulled.
That is what thou do to the heart of me!

I see thee, talk to thee- happiness filled.
I don’t care if they say thou art a fox,

One that shall only break my unseen heart:

Loving thee has made me strong as an ox,

Losing thee shall cause pain with I’d ne’er part.

Though my love for thou doth thrive in sin,

Do know that nothing can change what’s     within.

10:00 AM Poem

Elizabeth Wingert

Sand (Haiku)

Coarse and soft at touch,

Water binds to make safe ground

At the shores in which we rest.

9:00 AM Poem
Elizabeth Wingert