Non Letter to myself 6/25/22

Non-letter  to myself

To write a letter to myself from any of the folks coming to mind in this moment. Hmmmm….

Feels too revelatory to print in public.

Memories  cascading through my head

are arguing with each other.

Some are happy…some sad..some excited…some angry,,

some choking back tears,

some taking a nap.

Long ago boyfriends, childhood besties,

favorite teachers, heartbreakers.

family members..loyal connections, betrayers.

They all seem to be waving through a translucent haze.

And  they look exactly as they did when last seen.

Of course that’s impossible.


I’d love to have a real conversation with them.That’s why this prompt is so intriguing.

I can hear long locked doors straining to open in the darkness.

For now I will keep the letter in my heart and visit another time.

My letter to me from me is….You’re getting better at this living thing.

Keep showing up…



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