2024 Poetry Marathon Anthology

While we are no longer putting together or publishing an anthology this year, a long term community member DS Coremans has put together a call for submissions and will publish the 2024 Poetry Marathon Anthology. The anthology is open to submissions from July 15th, 2024 till September 15th 2024. To learn more please see the full guidelines here: https://fodibyli.com/submissions/

One thought on “2024 Poetry Marathon Anthology

  1. Hi Caitlin, Hi Jacob
    I am worried! I want to submit my poems to Forever Distracted by Life but I cannot login to my Poetry Marathon page and when it says Users or contributors and I write in Annthea Whittaker or Evan Whittaker, no contributors come up! Please help, not sure if there is a way to login if we have forgotten our passwords? The deadline is soon, so please let me know when you can!

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