A Perfect Day

Soft cool pillow contrasts
With the warm sunlight cascading through the window
A long languorous stretch, satisfying snap as muscles come back to life
A soft stumble to the door, following
The sizzle and smack of frying bacon

The slight chill of the brisk sea wind
The crash of waves and the sharp scent of seaweed
The harsh cry of sea birds
Wheeling and soaring above me

Even Later
The tickle of fresh crisp grass on my back
The merry glugging of a cold drink being poured
The warm glow in my belly
After one pint too many
As like the bacon, I softly sizzle in the sun…

Headache, burning skin
Too much beer and sun,
Knew that I would suffer, but I knew then and now
It was definitely worth it
A perfect day…

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