Hour Two: Recommence



We fell–

softly, deeply, an almost imperceptible fall–

But we wanted to and then

a landing

softly pinkish blue, fuzzy newness

surrounded by the micro, the minute

hush-a-bye, rock-a-bye, all-through-the-nigh

another, and another, and another

wrapped us up, lulled to fitful sleep

Until gone were the comparings of summer days

and wherefore art thous replaced by

me times, or

without you times





Hour One: Tea Party

Tea Party


Sipping slowly, smoothly sliding

slowly seeping, warmth colliding

’round the dark and sleepy morning

stretching, reaching, open yawning

smokey mist, rising air

no thought of international affair

or scandalous harbor party brewing

from lip of mug to lips of me

slowly, sleepily, drained of tea


Adventure in the Great Wide Somewhere

I can’t wait for the Poetry Marathon! This will be my very first year and I figured what better way to start than jumping into the 24 hour deep end. I have four children, the youngest just shy of three years who doesn’t yet have an affinity for all night sleeping. I’m a left-handed life-long southern girl (U.S.), so some might say I’m doubly backwards. I love to sniff books, and grew up in a print shop my dad owned. There’s nothing like the smell of fresh ink!