She found us within our pasts,
memories enveloping us like cloaks.
Our complicated yet precious web of love and experiences had created a tapestry in our hearts.
In the stillness of the evening, she arrived to fulfill a longing,
her eyes holding a story, seeing through our façade and secrets.
As the years had left their mark on our youth,
her gaze held the essence of who we had become
– the joy, sorrow and struggles that had shaped us.
Her presence was like a beacon of light,
guiding us through the memories, dark and bright.
In that timeless moment, we were blessed by her grace,
for she reminded us that the past is not lost,
it lives within us like a timeless yoke.
This is how she found us,
with the past draped about us like a cloak.

Who Exactly Is daStoryTella?
first things first…
Who am I?
This question remains an enigma…
Reason being that, just when I think I have it all figured out, along comes the spider (the perceived architect of the totality of my matrix), and as unfeelingly as she(?) impresses my subconscious, spins yet another maze of complexities and intrigues and yet again I find myself flung back to status quo…
But then, do I object to her(?) meddlesomeness? (does that word even exist?) That’s another question I find difficult to answer…Just who/what exactly is this “spider”? you may ask…
Honestly, I have no freaking idea!
Well, in response to the prompt of responsibility, i could just about hazard a guess or postulation or both….but then again, comprehension is at your own discretion…
Like every other system in existence, stability and optimum functionality remains a function of laws (call them rules and regulations if you may) for even in the midst of chaos, some semblance of order yet exists as exemplified in the emergence of definitive patterns.
By my indiscreet-cum-unfettered ramblings, do i satisfy the core for which the very bane of conversational comprehension is constituted? Honestly, I fear not…but suffice to say, the Journey of a thousand miles begins with basic infantile steps. It is said; Only the strong survive and only the wise excel…but then again it is also said that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong…so I guess indeed, of a truth, we are saddled therefore with a harvest of paradoxes and oxymorons.
Be that as it may, my suggestion to you remains thus: Keep an open mind and stay connected (if you can keep up)… too have a lot of unanswered questions and perhaps, you just might be my long sought after catalyst.
So again I ask….
Who am I?
I am a spark of energy…I am a wavelength of vibration…I am a frequency of broadcast…I am a soul, I am an embodiment of creation…I am an offshoot of an imperfect perfection…I am whom I am…an infinitesimally insignificant speck in the scheme of universal events…yet a uniquely sculptured individual…I most likely may not be a war or a fight (well, probably not in the most astute of perceptions) but it is comforting at the very least to state that I am human and I am one of you.