Hour 14 – Twisted Nature


Like weeds among the flowers in my yard,
you sneak inside my soul and block the sun.
I wish at times like this my heart was hard.

There was a time when loving you was fun
but now it feels like leeches at the lake;
the damage I’m not sure can be undone.

I should have known the tenderness was fake,
like pink flamingos at my Grandma’s house
or toothpaste icing on a birthday cake.

The spark of passion inside me was doused
and wisdom seems a lousy end reward
for watching one you thought would be your spouse

prove all your dreams were just a house of cards.
Like weeds among the flowers in my yard.

Hour 13 – Missing Person

She’s Gone

The pain inside my soul
is painted and flavored
by the emptiness I feel,
thinking of the eternity of time
I now must spend wandering alone
toward the grave that awaits us all.

There was a time,
not so very long ago
that I was happy.

I truly believed in the eternal nature
of the promises you made
that summer day you took my name
and cemented the bonds.

I find it hard now to believe
my naivete and blindness.

The scars are permanent, but I find
my love for you is also.

I hope someday you can put away the need to escape
and rediscover the happy sober person
I was once blessed to spend my days with.

I lost her somewhere – I pray that you can find her
and be happy.

Hour 12 – Five Words

Lucky Day

A camping trip deep in the month of June,
the two of us came here without a care;
under the stars there sang a single loon
as my true love released her flowing hair.

The need within her eyes outshone the moon
it seems the lake held magic and to spare;
‘Neath canopy of stars and nature’s tune,
the glory of her form would be laid bare.

Hour 11 – Homeless Persona

You Could Be Me

I can see you as your feeding
parking meters without heeding
this sign I am holding, pleading,
trying to feed my family.
I see you on the cell phone calling
someone as my baby’s bawling.
On my face the tears are falling;
suffering such indignity.
My hands I am wringing, kneading,
hoping this time you will see
but for God’s grace, you could be me.

Do you know the life I’m leading?
No you can’t for you are speeding
while I stand here simply needing
proof of my humanity.
Find a way to keep on hauling
ass so you won’t be caught stalling!
Is it me you find appalling,
or must you rush back home to pee?
It’s alright, your eyes I’m reading.
You’ll pretend you just don’t see
but for God’s grace, you could be me.


Hour 10 – Praise

 A Grandpa’s Love

When I was young, my grandfather
taught me so much about life;
I learned to cook, and I learned to fish,
and I learned about surviving through strife.

I learned about camping and campfire coffee,
pinching toes I soon learned to avoid.
I learned that ‘Til Death Do Us Part’ can be true,
and his passing, in my heart left a void.

I’m now Grandpa to a beautiful bunch,
and I hope that I too will impart,
to my ever-growing branch of our family tree
the lessons of love in my heart.

All of these messages I wont get to teach
to Eddy, my first born grandson,
for God called him home much too early
and his Earthly time with us is done.

So I’ll work without fail for the rest of my life
to be the best Grandpa I can,
and to hopefully teach the best lessons of all
to the rest of my wonderful clan.

I may not be rich, and Grandma got the looks,
but my babies I promise you this –
no one in your life will ever love you more,
or give you a better ‘cow-kiss’!

Grandpa loves you all … Forever

Dedicated to my Grandpa
~ Audy McDaniel ~
(1918 – 1984)

Hour 09 – 3 Images (river)

In Time

Our fate has brought us here in time to meet.
Two travelers alone on the same trail,
the raging river churning past our feet.

The misty air counters the summer heat.
Although our faces both are slightly pale,
our fate has brought us here in time to meet.

Her eyes reflecting mine are kind and sweet;
She turns away, for such is not her tale,
the raging river churning past our feet.

Some other time and place, another street…
But no! Such thoughts will pave the way to fail,
and fate had brought us here in time to meet!

Together now, with no chance to retreat.
A team it seems, destined to ever sail
the raging river churning past our feet.

Her tear-streaked smile makes my soul feel complete
As hand-in-hand we climb over the rail.
Our fate had brought us here in time to meet
the raging river churning past our feet.

Hour 08 – Pantoum


Clouds drift across the peaceful azure sky.
As I sit quietly under this tree,
I think of life’s big questions and then sigh.
I wonder if someday I’ll truly see.

As I sit quietly under this tree,
the sun is warm shining upon my face.
I wonder if someday I’ll truly see
the beauty hidden deep inside this place .

The sun is warm shining upon my face.
I stretch out, gladly soaking up the light,
the beauty hidden deep inside this place,
as arms of golden warmth embrace me tight.

I stretch out, gladly soaking up the light.
I think of life’s big questions and then sigh;
as arms of golden warmth embrace me tight,
clouds drift across the peaceful azure sky.

Hour 07 – Angst

The Robot’s Lament

I had waited more than a century,
After the ancient ones had taken flight.
Keeping a quiet vigil, patiently
I stood there through bright days and starry nights.

The creature came, its ship awash with lights.
So small it was, and to me, quite unknown;
Although it had regarded me with fright,
At last it seemed I would not be alone!

Then I did err, for which I can’t atone –
In my great haste, I failed to understand
This alien was made of flesh and bone.
I picked it up, and held it in my hand,

I found my probing finger was too strong
And now my bloodstained hand proves I was wrong.

Hour 06 – Haibun

The Beauty of the Bonsai

Family trees may bear much fruit yet some branches never get to grow. We must face occasionally the mortality of youth. The loss scars bark and molds form. We cherish every leaf and find the blooming flowers still as sweet, though watered with our eyes.

empty heart still beats
bare branches cry out in vain
silent teardrops fall

Hour 05 – Technology

The Beauty in the Light

The beauty of the incandescent light,
Power obtained by weapons made of steel,
The shrinking-world result of human flight.

We’ve redefined the terms and what is real,
But after all the things that we have learned
I think we have forgotten how to feel.

And though technology may have now earned
Us bragging rights, and lots of things to sell,
The heat of knowledge has caused us some burns.

The truth is since the day that humans fell,
It seems we may have lost a bit of sight.
Alas, without our tools, it’s hard to tell

If we have ever truly earned the right
To free the power trapped within the light.