Different looks and poisons

Make your web, unique and mighty 

Curiosity draws them near you

Fear, or respect, run them away 

Simple yet complex

Perfect and flawed

Irresistible and undesired 

Daunting and appealing 

Eight legs, one spider

Real or fake is a powerful tike


Journey’s End

When we took on the world it was just us two

Hard to believe we’d trod so many roads

Hard to believe that our paths have now diverged

We had the perfect journey to believe in

It started with sunlight so bright in lights of yellow

Now we depart in different was with hearts cold as wood 


Golden Shovel From ‘The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost

The Art of Self Definition

So now you look at me like you never knew

How could you not?

I speak the way I’ve always spoken 

Dress and walk and posture the same 

I saw the same affections as ever

There has been no reason to question me, never 

You can’t redefine what I feel inside

Just because you choose now to see me 

I believe what I believe, understand what’s true to me, cast away what does not fit 

My truth, I walk – live – breathe it 

You get no say in who I am or am not


Problems with Solutions

Inner city blues

Success has many clues

The answer solves what’s real

No matter how you feel


Sing a simple song of life

That ends the violence, starvation, and strife

That lets factual knowledge now be heard

Where wisdom isn’t a foreign word

Sing a song that heals a child

That gives us unity all the while

Allowing us to be our self

Instead of dictating someone else


What is the name of the city that you love

Where is the state honors rights of all

When the country holds dear the rights of each state

Does anyone live in this place



A school trip becomes an escape to get lost in my favorite place

Crispy leaves crunching under foot

Birds fly over head that like to avoid the city

The chill in the air is perfect for the apple picking season

The scent of the cider mill is relaxing as afternoon tea, but better

The brook running by is loud, but who’d blame her 

She’s excited about the peaceful place where she resides 

There are no beatings, yelling, or bullying, just natures smiles

The school trip escape is a good as cascade 

We explore leaf colors, moss, and animal tracks 

Maybe I’ll survive until time to go back


See Life

Take control of your Joy

Let no one destroy it

Inner peace is the key

Hold on tight and don’t quit


The Trick

As it turns out it was all a dream

Heaven is a place that we called a ghetto

We woke up to find only the weak survived

They are the ones that learned to depend and never worry

Jokes on you! Only the peacekeepers and poor can get in

Your hell is knowing you lived too religious near the end.




Whether you desire it or concede it

You can’t love it but life needs it

I only seek it so I can give

Or do I seek it for the life I live

I love life, so I must have it to exist

My heart and mind are in a twist because

If I love life and pursue money sustain it

Is it evil to love the essence of what I need to attain it?


Elemental Unity

Each feeling its power

The knew that they could win alone

For nothing surpassed the need for a solid foundation

Earth was proud to be the support of all creation

But when is as stagnant, cold, or thirst for life

The absence of everyone only brought strife.

But the wind, yes it knew it was most powerful of all

For without being seen it could make great oaks fall

But what else, once things were moved, did existence mean?

There seemed to be a need for definition to the empty scene.

Fire! Fire never questioned for a moment its supreme royal rights

It could destroy and create, darken the day and light the night

But when it smiled and turned to see validation

Fear reigned and caused its might power full devaluation

Water knew its calm demeanor and mighty power was created needs

Without it nothing could survive, no growth would ever succeed.

But as it evaporated into nothing, it knew it needed more

All that it could was limited by acts it no ability to explore.

As they faced one another, all capable, powerful, and unique

They each knew that their best there was greater goal to seek

They found their individual powers were always far enhanced

When unity was the meeting place from which they all advanced.


Reasons – Motivation for a Poetry Marathon

Why would you do that? Because I love to write

What will you get from that? A satisfaction at night

How much are you going to be paid? Not a single dime

Who would make you do such a thing? This writing passion of mine