
…and the story in her eyes.

recondite as eternity, ineluctable as fate;
a congeries of the unsaid –

then there is her smile….


intransigents in this ‘relating’ to her –

stone-cold catacombs of her heart;
the tortuous maze that is her glance,
and a half-smile playing on lilac lips….

specious like his words of seduction.


lips turn cerise with the
passion of her words, the love
of her emotions.

and sussurations of desire
curdle the ridges of his
cochleate heart…

( such are the secrets lovers share )


You are unearthly beautiful;
was there some cosmic conspiracy
in the heavens the day you were conceived?

Is there a numinous
stellar synchronicity to sculpt
and hone your form from celestial
alabaster it seems….

…did the firmament eschew some colours
such that your irises could glow
and did the constellations mulct
the beauty of the stars
to give you shape.


fingers unwind, the very same that
caressed when intertwined, mine in yours.
and as we part, the halting caresses relive
the painful moments of canorous, crooning,
warbled words. wishful thoughts…
the very words, your dainty fingers, sometime
before this sepulchral silence,
on my gnarled and mottled skin, wrote.


she is elfin – it is in her eyes,
the tourmaline tinged satyrs,
that mischievously shies

in numinous splendour; she peers
through the canvas of the night –

head to toe, covered in tenebrous delight.


In a surreal tapestry of gossamer silk and sunbeams,
I have etched the beautiful contours of your face.

The somnolent eyes,
drooping as if a lotus-eater had sprayed the Sandman’s opiate into them,
the juxtaposed limbs heavy-wrought and listless

….you are a dream,

you are the rainbow fantasy in speckled and gold-flaked dust,
shimmering on heaven’s stairways
and bright-punctured like a lover’s acid sighs on the firmament.

You are the elusive
an ever out-of-reach mirage-evanescence
that quill-wielders speak in hushed awe-filled tones.

You are my fantasy,
my deliverance of sleepless nights

….and somehow, their reason too!!


You are dazzlingly beautiful
these scintilla of your beauty
could in tumescence light up the heavens each night

….and if you smiled,
a thousand universe would be set aglow with an actinic light!!


I am captivated,
ensnared by the silken tresses and the charm in the smile,
entrapped by the single finger gesture
that you enthrall me with, castled and annexed by your beauty,
the grace and the comport that befits a princess
…. you are a lovely seductress
There are always words to meld with other words,
and essays and epistles to etch on the ivory of your skin
and the tourmaline of your extremities.
You do this to me, with the ease and deftness of a practiced enchantress.
You do this to me by just being.
By being you – and none other.


like a whisper chases its shadow,
around a domed gallery made of stone
we leap-frog from liaison to liaison, yet
in the end, as at the start – are left alone

(will you be my gallery, my whisper,

or will you just leave me lonesome?)