There once was a man who desperate for rain.
For his parched garden drove him quietly insane.
Along came a monsoon
which he thought was a boon.
But it washed both his house his garden down the drain.
24 Poems ~ 24 Hours
Jax lives in a wonderful part of Spain, Galicia, with her sainted better half, John and one cat, Freddie. She feels very fortunate to be able to have left the busy life of an employed person, but she is busier now than she ever was. She is currently building 200 meters of dry stone walling, not all at once, creating a garden from half a mountain and plotting and scheming her next creative adventure. She is passionate about textiles and pattern and has been known to disappear into her workroom and not surface for several days, except for food and sleep. She creates items from scratch sculpting concrete planters and moulding beeswax candles. She loves the winter when she can light the wood-burner, pour a coffee and write. This is an impossible task in the summer the weather is too glorious and she loves the outdoors.
There once was a man who desperate for rain.
For his parched garden drove him quietly insane.
Along came a monsoon
which he thought was a boon.
But it washed both his house his garden down the drain.
I love writing whether it’s for lists, poems, stories, drafts, form filling, online courses you name it, I love the actual physical act of writing them. I’ve always been a storyteller from as far back as I can remember. As a child, the eldest of five children, I used to make up bedtime stories for my siblings, scary ones of course, each night I always told a part leaving my siblings in suspense. Now I do the same for my grandchildren, they choose the topic include a hero and a meany and I weave the story. Love it.
Over the years I’ve written travel articles, help articles, been shortlisted for the Fish prize, won competitions and have been accepted for several anthologies, some of my poetry has been accepted for publication in the magazine Art Ascent, been part of the NaNoWriMo challenge and completed a draft novel, which has yet to be published. My latest project is an anthology on Galicia, a collection of short stories, travel articles and poems. It will be published in time for Christmas.
This marathon is a fantastic opportunity to complete a series of poems. I am going to write and post 12 poems using different styles and with the theme ‘Storm’. After the marathon I will have a small stock hopefully good enough for publication or to be read for personal pleasure.