metaphor and eloquence evade
as they have all damn day
eventide prepares to arrive and between a door to the street and my daughter in the driver’s seat, though we roll forward,
– – – all i feel is the belt, tight across me
24 Poems ~ 24 Hours
1st half - marathon. Trying to challenge myself, do something new, force myself to be creative & to create...
metaphor and eloquence evade
as they have all damn day
eventide prepares to arrive and between a door to the street and my daughter in the driver’s seat, though we roll forward,
– – – all i feel is the belt, tight across me
the rock faces mine
the rock face is mined
the rock’s face …and mind
the rock face is mine
the light plays across the rock face and mind
and mine
…and mine
rain falls inciting me to wonder if water is what washes away the watermelon juice dripping down the chins of the offspring
a green that grows more vivid as the sky greys emerges
thunder crackles
although cackling would be a morr accurate description
escaping from the mouths of clouds like faces
we both are & aren’t
the sum(s) of our parts
collectively & respectively
abject, object and objected to
subjected & subject
& let’s not forget predicate
whether excepted or accepted, in no equation is there fair representation
how many times do U go into X
& Y?
what is the value of X taken away from U
& Y?
less than
or equal to?
is the parenthetical calculated before what is contained within brackets?
i dont know how to solve for the unknown
i’m only familiar with imaginary numbers & how to punctuate the word
she tires of being settled into
settled for
like the banks on which they’ve settled in for fishing expeditions
from which she returns sodden and, the others,
feeling nothing but numbness
even filled to the brim with the catch
for which each cast,
or sometimes dragged, their respective nets
accusations of introspection plague him feeling he lacks discipline he performs a search within
searches the eyes of his reflection
trying to see what others see in him
unable to hold his own gaze
permitted to seep
into the wound, the saline
stings; afterwards, the
bleeding ceases, breath released
– it is a sigh of relief
element and force, it erodes earth and stone – smoothing what is sharp
carving out depths over distances and lengths of time measurable but, perhaps, not intended to be fully
if instrumental to life, the creation thereof, the shaping of other elements so why, then, has it not helped to round out her edges
still jagged – no matter the amount of time she’s spent allowing it to wash over her,
abrasive; sure, she’s weather worn from the storms she’s withstood but, even when she’s firmly grounded, she remains
by the tide
the muse takes the form
of chandelier-shaped seed pod
tumbling to the ground
follicles of once
mighty dandelions’ manes
scatter in the breeze