Envy ((7 Words/7 Lines)) Poem 14/Hour 14

Envy ((7 words/7 lines))

By: LuvMiFreely 

You often search for failure in others 

Because you’re ashamed of your own life

You feel they don’t deserve to have better 

Because your life is full of regrets

Tearing down people’s dreams because yours failed 

Must be a draining way to live 

Envy, one hell of a deadly sin

Growth Poem 12/Hour 12


By: LuvMiFreely 

Breakdowns turn into breakthroughs

They happen when the cracks within ourselves expose the need for something new

We suffer when we try to stay in an outdated version of ourselves 

Not allowing our souls to embrace the new environment around us

Forgive yourself for the times you couldn’t keep it all together

You weren’t supposed to

You handed it over to God 

And He handled it for you

So when the pain of holding on is greater than letting go 


God is increasing your territory 

He’s telling you it’s time to grow 


Shadow Work Poem 11/Hour 11

Shadow Work
By: LuvMiFreely 

Everybody always screams self love
But never teach the real meaning
It isn’t just about loving the parts you deem good
But it’s doing the shadow work to understand your demons
We all have flaws
And have done things we aren’t proud of
Choosing not to acknowledge those faults
Denies acceptance and self growth
To be authentic
Means to have all of you present
Every bit of your mind, body, and spirit
Standing in your truth
Fully healing
As you stare at your own reflection
Remember to love on the parts of you that’s damaged
Remind yourself that all parts of you deserve love
The world is already hard enough
Learn to be more gentle with yourself

Get To Know You Poem 9/Hour 9

Get To Know You
By: LuvMiFreely 

Maybe we can sit down and get to know each other
Don’t be afraid to open up to me
I’m not here to judge
I want to learn your past and your love language
I understand you’re not used to this kind of appreciation
But I want you to trust me
You can let go
I’ll be patient
Take a deep breath
Release when you’re ready
Don’t stop yourself from falling
I’ll catch you
Don’t hide parts of who you are
Learn to be vulnerable
I don’t have any expectations
No need for any hesitation
All you gotta do is take my hand
Take the lead
I’ll follow 

Never Home Alone (Anxiety) Poem 7/Hour 7

Never Home Alone (Anxiety)

By: LuvMiFreely


In my bedroom

Stretched out across my bed

Remote in hand strolling through YouTube

Nothing catching my attention

Until I catch something out the corner of my eye

I stop and stare in that direction

I’m tired, it’s has to be all in my mind

I go back to what I was doing

Rapid tapping on my door

Now I’m fully alert 

I know I didn’t make that up

I want to say, “Who’s there?’

But I’ve seen to many horror films to know that’s not a smart idea

I stand still, trying to slow my breath

My heart is beating out of my chest

Should I open the the door,

Or climb right out the window?

Fight or flight is kicking in 

I hear the tapping again, this time louder

Followed by scratching

I can’t feel my legs 

I think I’m having a panic attack

The doorknob slowly turns

I’m paralyzed in fear

As the door opens the lights go out

Overwhelmed, my eyes fill with tears

I can feel something drawing close to me

I can’t move as it whispers in my ear

You’ll never be alone 

Not as long as I reside here

A Letter From Mom Poem 6/Hour 6

A Letter From Mom
By: LuvMiFreely
Dear Ash,
Your smile is what I want to see. It’s so beautiful. I know I cross your mind and that makes you sad, but I’m happy where I am. I’m at peace. I know we didn’t get a formal goodbye and Lord knows I didn’t want to make you cry, but God called my name and asked me to join Him at His side. I left knowing that you could handle this life because I raised you to be strong even though I know that you don’t believe you are. It’s been three years and baby you’re still surviving. Trust me that’s strength. I know life hasn’t been kind to you, none of it’s fair. You tell everyone you’re fine, but I know the pain is suffocating you and I want you to be free. I’m here to tell you that everything will be okay. Please don’t keep it all inside. Hold on tight to those who truly love and care about you, let them be your strength and your guide. It’s okay to feel weak and lost, it’s okay to ask for help. You don’t have to do this all by yourself. I’m physically gone but I’m still right here by your side. No matter what you go through you’re not alone. I hear you whenever you call, so that’s why I pop up on your phone. Ash please keep fighting, I’m so proud of you. No matter what, I will always love you.

Heading Home Poem 5/Hour 5

Heading Home

By: LuvMiFreely

Outside waiting

As I check my watch 

Tapping my foot on the pavement

It’s running late again

Just when I feel myself losing patience 

I see the headlights in the distance 

It pulls to my stop

I step on and place my fare in

As I head to my seat 

I pay attention to all blank looks on people’s faces 

As they’re heading to their destinations 

I wonder what awaits them at these places

I slip my earbuds in 

Staring out the window as the world passes by

Every stop brings new strangers

Some quiet, some loud 

I turn my music up to tune out the sound

Lost in my own world

I’m home bound

What a long day it has been