
Before darkness
comes the
foreboding crackle

disorientation giving
way to cursed luck
fate, ill-timed

there exists briefly
a vacuum knowing
neither light nor absence
of  illumination

there is no good that
comes from channeling
dormant, evolutionary
bat instincts

only stubbed
emotional toes, bruised
psyche shins
leading to the inevitable

frustration of finding
you are completely
out of the right bulb for
the space in which
you currently stand

– Mark L. Lucker
© 2016


Childhood visits to our
neighborhood library mandated
pilfering of free bookmarks
one for each book seemed logical
never remembering that I
returned only the books

varietal bookmarks littered
my bookshelves, then desk drawers
a dedicated few made it into,
stayed within the confines of a book
permanence assured though
logic of placement rarely survived
relationships with stories, others
there were always new takes
to be read, placed in ‘used’ bins

even though marking my spot
meant  I could go back I rarely did
preferring plowing-through to
review, remember, reconsider
voraciously rumbling through
fact, fiction, poetry and muses

early technology encouraged
bookmarking pertinent WWW locales
but my pattern held; onward, done
not going back there on purpose
frequently asking why I was
ever there to begin with
what really caught my eye at the time

now there they sit in the dusty stacks,
no bookmarks protrude
and only when a book is pulled
from the shelf do I realize
that I long ago

eschewed bookmarks
and simply started to
dog-ear the select pages

– Mark L. Lucker

© 2016


One metmorphisize fits all


mythology only prefacing
the sequel
continuing the saga
tacking on the index onto
volume one

having read this scene
from life movies
writing, rewriting the books
playing déjà vu-all-over-again
never more than
countless times
monotony of changing times
same cast of characters
different roles

Exit, stage right
enter stage left
either or, vice versa
prefacing intermission
part one ends…

time to regroup, recalibrate
endings are simply ellipsis
masquerading as comfort
to the ill-at-ease

 – Mark L. Lucker
© 2016

Poetry Marathon, 2016

The journey of a thousand miles

begins with one step

putting on shoes

putting on socks

getting out of bed

sitting at keyboard

coffee at hand

sans shoes, socks, shirt

Expedia, Trivago cannot get me there

not making reservations

staying the night after the day

more coffee

still no socks, shoes

traveling light

going so very, very far.


       – Mark L. Lucker


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