
Don’t recite this poem.

If you do,

then expect the falls of rain.

Maybe your heart

will stop that fuming thick black smoke.

Maybe your eyes are meant to

stay next to her glabella.

Things might change.

Maybe your heart is tired and not sick.


So don’t recite this poem,

If you’re not ready to fall in love.

If you don’t want the reminder

that love is in the air,

No matter what ship you belong to

It’s encapsulated within the petricho

Such a pleasant smell.


My name is Muhammad Auwal, I’m from Nigeria. I’m the teacher who’s still a learner. A poet from the top, counselor from the bottom. I’m 29 years of age, a bachelor with a bachelor degree in Computer Science.

I love seeing adventures, new people, places and innovation. I love technology…

Wrong Signature

I wish to take a picture of the nature

Bringing down the stars into the ocean

Lightning the cosmos, existing as a star.

I wish if I perish I will come back

To tell the story that the mind can feel.

But wishes are thorns, that stick to our skin

Doing nothing good, but ceasing the bliss.




She said; I don’t like the story,

I replied, no this is poetry.

The sun had disappeared behind a cloud

Life is stupefaction, a test of temptation.

Verily misplaced, perhaps displayed.

I know I can’t do it but I’ve to try

Is wedding a wrath or pleasure?

This ring is nothing but a promise.

So if I become a rat

Do not act like a cat.

I’m overthrown and almost gone.

I’m lost for words.

How many days are yet to come live?
How many years are we meant to be alive?