Poem 1, Prompt 13

Fingernails catch on lizard scales
I’m shedding snakelike skin
It’s picking heaven
I know every spot
I’m just checking it’s all still there

Subcutaneous mountain range
Past battles set in flesh
Each lump, each mound
The hidden scars
I’m just checking it’s all still there

Mirror image is a song
The melody unchanged
A little improv
All is well
I’m just checking it’s all still there

Introspective secret room
The contents out of order
Ram and shackle
Pain and passion
I’m just checking it’s all still there

Hello poets!!!

I’m in! I’m doing the poetry half-marathon, at the second starting time as I live in Australia (Melbourne, to be exact) and prefer not to be writing through the wee hours. Kudos to all you full marathoners foregoing sleep to toil away at your craft.

I’m a writer of many things, POEMS of course but also stories and songs (I sing too). I’m keen to connect with other word artists; you’ll find me on Facey ( facebook.com/rainiezenith ) and Insta ( @rainiezenith ) and YouTube ( Rainie Zenith ) or chat to me on here!

Best wishes all for the upcoming poetic weekend…