Hour 14 Words again

Frogs jump in joy
as the rain leaves
drops of nature
for them to breed.
Evenings be filled with
laziness dipped in coffee
Tomatoes are to ditch
in a bowl of soup
for the noodles to finds its place
Jars kept open
to be filled with cookie shakes
as I am too tired of hot in colds
Raincoats lie folded in the corner of the store
reminding me of memories of childhood
that none seem to care now
Steaming pots of noodles
twisting up to a swallow
Peculating the stolen cup of ice cream
hiding from my mother’s glance
as it’s not to be had
with the rains
Children still indoors in their
den with empty water floods
without paper boats
All Elbowed into their joy
of playing that racing galore.
Mystery finds its place
in stores of the book
left open.
calling for me unveils its trance.

Copyright © Snigdha

Hour 13 The Moon

Astrology is a science
also so interweaved
how the moon rotates or the earth
but if they just stop rotating all the same
will the planet effect be same
as the moon has on me now
making me so restless
and wary of my future
If the moon stops rotating
the sun would be open
to its menace
or the earth
unaware of the ebbs and tides
of the moon
eclipses would be a far off thing
let alone the moon
be as a stagnant object
in the sky
As I stand here for it to budge.

Copyright © Snigdha

Hour 12 Count of words

The definite boundaries
define my limitations
and give direction
two at the same time.
Intriguing yet consoling
restless yet in with solace.
It contains the wildness of my thoughts
curls up the thoughts by an inch
yet giving wings to the direction
into the path I so perceive.
do I want to be free as the bird?
I sometimes wonder
with an answer willingly
accepting in unison of my senses
I love myself but.
The directions to my stride 
seem to fade
as I let the time slip
into the hands of indiscipline
Awaiting patience
into its trance. 
Copyright © Snigdha

Hour 11 – Melodies

The melodies of tune

their jingle in time

has something to say

in the silent creases of my soul.

The vastness of blue

blurred to the horizon

unites the melodies of my heart

and the music to my ears

There is something in them

that keeps me till the end

Copyright © Snigdha



Hour 10 Colour

No reason for me

to mask my faith in you

with hues of contempt

of green or red

Just because

someone else

has smeared my belief

in them.


Copyright © Snigdha

Hour 9 The spider

Spider crawls here
In an attempt to web
It’s nest around mine
Should I stand and stare
Or prick a finger
To dismantle
His last attempt
To survive
Copyright © Snigdha

Hour 7- Inside out

Like me!  Like me!


Seeking to be loved?

Or a mirror turned inside out

In the shadows of nothing, but

Puppet in the hands of the society

How they want to see,

You or their confused impressions, on you.

Not how you want to be graced.


In search of grandiose,

Or revealing the fresh wounds

Just like merger stints,

So much prevalent.


Insecurities exposed,

Waiting to be mellowed.

Seeking assurance,

Demanding attention,

as the petrichor of pouring rain.

Copyright © Snigdha

Hour 6- Verses that bind

Thoughts crisis-crossing my brain
jumping in and out
like a happy or gloomy dolphin
I know not what
as they don’t wait long
for me to judge.

So let me start
I was happy to realize
my biggest weakness
yes it’s the lack of willingness
and merrier to discover
it’s just an end result
of my discipline and patience
so u see
where do I have to start

here in my cocoon
that I keep changing every year
alternating my room in
every year or two
I am mostly figuring out
how hours pass into days
sooner to months
with friendship day today
and the clock striking 12
I find solace in the FB posts of my
friends partying enjoying
with no messages in my notification.
for me to realize, it’s after all
just a Sunday.

Copyright © Snigdha

Hour five- Old School

I can only think of you
as a place that has my soul
I wish I could hug
your walls and cry like a child
why did you let me go
I wish I could stay longer
I wish I could be here to see
you aging
To love you and share
my most beautiful days spent here
The most giving a mother
to me
I cannot even bargain
for a holiday or ride
I wish I could love you longer
and my memories
would not be as faint as this
and my love stronger
my dear old school
why did we part ways in class 8?

Copyright © Snigdha