Silver Linings and the Tale of the Faux Mom

The silver lining. All too clearly I recall the day She taught me to look for it – My faux mother. I’d been there for weeks it seemed. Would they never take me home? “I go outside to see Mommy now.” I told her. “What??”…

Living a dream (Hour 18)

My dream was to be a lover My dream was to be a queen but before long I was dreaming of being a butterfly Fling freely in the sky Dreams are for living No matter what you have been given, take it as a stepping…

El amor todo lo puede (Love will find a way)

“el amor todo lo puede” his words find their way into her heart a place where she can’t find the will to make them go away “el amor todo lo puede” words she clings to when she has little hope left “love will find a…


Beautiful dreamer perhaps someday you will put away your toys and in your flickering memory reach to find an old tin photograph warm with rich, glowing images ever fading and hold it to your heart and whisper that could have been us…

hour 9 poem

so many flowers in the clearing of the forest with No fairytales… just cars parked along the way before the old castle in ruins… No crowds of suitors in armour… just a window in a crack in the wall towards a bench of Young lovers……


So there are these chickens We count them Or refrain from it Stopping ourselves Because we shouldn’t There is always the one Trying to cross the road For some philosophical reason everyone wonders about Why the chicken? Why not a cow? Why can’t we just count eggs And…

Be Always Drunken

There once was a coon who went berry-ing It ate the whole bush-full fermenting it wandered too far and was hit by a car After the feast comes the reckoning

Solitary, And I know It (Hour Eighteen)

I was in a sacred place that had changed. I struggled to take my shoes off. I sat down in a different place and lo, I saw you, heard you singing Where I didn’t expect you to be. I could not believe eyes, ears. But…

Poem 16

“A watched pot never boils” my grandmother used to say. Truer words were never spoken. A watched pot never boils… A poem never writes itself… not without great labor… and waiting… And then the words boil over… from the heart from mine, to another who…

You/I (18)

Now, you walk away all smug superiority and I am relieved that the charade is over. Now, you escape from the city and I can return to my throne of art galleries & local restaurants in peace. Now, you retreat to silence and I chatter…