A marriage that last beyond time and space

  A courtship occurring day by day A commitment emulating so deeply Loving so intensely Endless yearning fulfilling An engagement so fulfilling Commitment forever and always faithfulness A marriage that last beyond time and space 10:30 pm 14/12/2014 © ROY MARK AZANZA CORRALES All Rights…


I hope to create in this life more than a noise and to leave behind, as I go, more than an echo. It might seem like vanity, but truly it’s an ambition. For my dreams are surreal and my soul is electric and I hope…

7 a.m. Haiku

summer clouds my eyes more asleep than the rest of me     red poppies now bloomed out as I run out of rouge     June rain wet sand in my shoes and a crab       ©  Ella Wagemakers, 06.58 Dutch time…

healthy way enjoying meal

taking care oneself nowadays gluten food proliferation endangering living healthful knowledge vegan food delight more vegan more organic the best against gluten food symbolic tangent of good living    

The water here is no longer viable And food deliveries, are at best, unreliable If we are caught here, its undeniable That we would all be held liable But be like Hickory wood, unpliable For no bounty on our heads is even remotely justifiable For…

Hour 16

Leave Her Alone Leave her alone, O straying grief Muddle her thoughts not like a thief Procure not sadness inept her relief Pray, let stray not her belief Leave her alone O hurried despondence And join her not agony, in correspondence Let her spirits not…

Poem 14

The stars sprinkled down around us As I looked into the blue sky of your eyes The sun tucked itself in behind its purple blanket The moon hung above on its silver beams to watch over us The tide rose and fell in syncopation with…

Mermaid Sestina

On a quest for Love swam the Mermaid With hair of Curl And eyes the color of the Moon She avoided the Sun And frolicked in the Ocean Deep in the Ocean Swam the Mermaid in search of Love She avoided the Sun So men…

Attempt at Sestina

poetry forms a cacophony lines and words to mesmerize feelings more than theory rhyme, rhythm, pentameter In my mind, a vortex What is this mad manipulation?   Intentional manipulation creating cacophony swirling vortex Memories to mesmerize graphical elements,shift, pentameter feelings more than theory   feelings…