
I stood at the ocean, and watched as a seagull dashed a clam against the hard rock. Pecking, pecking, the tireless drone, like the words of denial we spoke, chipping and breaking away our connection, breaking and cracking sharply Crack chip plunk crick. We speak…

When She Cried . . .

When she cried . . . I felt the house shake Because she was the foundation When she cried . . . The sky turned gray Because she was the sun When she cried . . . The day was silent Because she was Nature singing…


HOUR FIFTEEN POEM # 15 24 HOUR POEM MARATHON SUMMER WORKERS Was it you passing through my valley? Were you asleep on rags in an alley? Sweat beads on your brow from the heat, Flames from the Suns nostrils, call retreat. Misfortune travels coast to…

Hour fifteen

many of us have heroes who lead remarkable lives but few could ever measure up to the hero in my eyes sacrificing and unselfish never asking for praise always willing to give his all never expecting to be repaid dependable and loyal strong and always…

Love story

I could write about How the earth Continues to thrive Or how The ocean waves Hug the shore Right before the tides Pull themselves back I could write about Love And all its Magical ways But I’d rather write to say I’ve loved you On…

Poem #16: A Night at a Concert

A Night at a Concert This night smells of brimstone, needles in the atmosphere piercing the bones of clouds keeping us all together, a heart burning, dripping brimstone upon the road. I cannot borrow the tears of rain shivering all in one piece; the sidewalk…

Hugs :-)

Hugs <3 🙂 Virginia Carraway Stark Hugs across the miles Bring me tons of smiles Because I know You are glad I am alive And happy that I'm in your world And when you send me '<3' It means the world to me Because I…

Again To Jenn Avelar

Are you still embroiled in tiny scandals? Has love passed you by yet again? Do you have money and a room of your own, or would my Virginia Woolf still be disappointed? When I wrote you that sonnet, I was caught in the same net as…

The Love that Won’t Let Go #13/24

The Love that Won’t Let Go It utterly amazes me that we can still love the same raw way we did back when we were both less tired, less torn up by the falling down lives we’re acting out. Whatever magic your eyes let go…

missing some things

just packed up my entire place cleared out every room folded it all neatly into brown cardboard boxes bubble-wrapped every piece of china and all my asian art tucked it into a giant storage bin no place in particular that it needs to be just…