Moving On – Poem for Hour 12

The only thing certain about life Is that nothing remains the same, Everything will change, People will come and go, Hearts and souls Will be rearranged, As time and tide wait for no man And you pack all your worldly goods into a removal van….

Who Needs A/C?

Midwestern girl transplanted in the Bay Area. Temp. job in a warehouse. No air conditioner. Who needs A/C in the Bay? Typing, filing, sweating. “I’m in the mood for an icy pop,” I chirped, Imagining a Big Gulp filled with Diet Coke And Lots And…

Natural You

You are the sunrise Radiant heat bringing warmth so bright Never scorching the hide of young girls, who run barefooted on the earth To rest upon antiquity while basking in the light   You are a cool, mysterious poneglyph Holding the wisdom of the ages…

Hour 12

Move To move is to change Change one’s mind and how its arranged So move to what inspires Move to lost desires Move away from what shatters Your heart, though it flatters Your mind, your soul, your heart must all move To let bring change…

Lazy Weekend

The ceiling fan moving the air in silent waves. The blinds swaying gently in response An airplane high above, its shadow tracing over the window. Rise and fall of my chest with each shallow breath. Must close my eyes again for just a few moments…

Hour 12–How to Conduct Oneself In Public

no untoward loitering so one must place one foot in front of the other (no jaunty angles) be dignified the above action not to resemble “dancing” unless one is within a licensed dancing establishment

Hour Twelve – Life is moving

“Work is so good for the soul” they said as I stacked stupid shelves for a wage. “You’re young, and you can doing anything,” they said, as I watched myself age.   And so it went on for many a year of back-breaking, soul-crushing crap….

Hour 12: The Courtesan

Pouring out the wine She does not speak, she’s silent She does not love him He thinks of her so fondly Yet he will not marry her


Seems like every few years A voice reaches up Grabs me by the throat and the feet Tells me it’s time to move on Get out Start fresh All those clichéd ideas So I pull out boxes, I go through my stuff I toss out…