HOUR TEN POEM # 10 24 HOUR POEM MARATHON BE KIND AND LOVE Four winds laying calm in the sky, Marshmallow like clouds drift by. Don’t anger the wind of the south, It will muzzle, repress your mouth. Watch the stormy wind of the west,…

hour 10

In your eyes I gaze to see your soul My heart is racing I must keep control I see through the watery haze that covers them like a morning dew as the fog gently lifts So deep in your eyes I see our future a…

#10bis – Our colours are matched

Our colours are matched So different So changing And still matching Through the changes   Our colours speak for us We proudly wear them Beyond all ups-and-downs   Our colours are matched Beyond all situations That pass by      

Autobiography of a face

Who do I need to be? Stretching forward a hand to grab, extended fingers clutch many jars on the shelf Which face shall I wear? this one went to senior prom though that one begged to go but would not fit the dress What will…

My seasons

As the season pass one by one I’ve learned the been selective in my Battles it’s the peaceful thing to do; it’s better then being rigth. With the amount of life experience accumulate in this 30years and 364 days, I’ve learn to stand tall and…

Life – 10/24

I am still writing…   My story here…   So despite my scars and the memories of blood,  My broken parts don’t leak into my definition   @ Angel Rosen (half assed poem)

Poem 10/24 – Autobiography of a Face

Poem 10 –Autobiography of a Face There once was a girl With golden blonde hair So innocent, So young Her eyes would forever stare Amused at the world, Yet wise beyond compare She knew no pain, No sorrow No fear She lived in a world…

Poem #10: La Vida.

Not only does the day drag on, But baby, you lead me astray, And I can’t behave in your presence, I want to unravel and break all the shit in your home. I want to destroy the peace that you cling to, The emptiness of…

✨Slipping away✨

When your significant other it’s slipping away, and reviving memories isn’t enough. What it’s there left to do, but to let things flows. If you rush into it, it break faster, if you give too much space it ends, when you try to hard it…

The End is Nigh

Daylight is dying and fading. As the birds hath stop singing. An old sun begins its descent. Not a thing I have done do I resent. Sitting out in the beauty of the day. Writing words of things I should say. Conversation with a lover or…