Change in Circles

Change should start within you It is a never ending affair Reasons beyond what we can comprehend Come to minds of geniuses and fools alike Let’s think out of the box, go out of our comfort zone Effectuate change in one’s self Spread inspiration, empower…

Hour 8

We Need We need more birds soaring the sky We need new bounds to define high We need no battles to spread our cry We need a mere humble try We need less dreams to die We need a greater heard sigh We need a…

The dark..

Looking at your face makes me sad The eyes just blank..   The face nothing to tell..   Don’t know how you are? Don’t know, What you feeling? The only thing I know that its still not healing…   Seems you found something, at last…

Poem 7

Love that reaches beyond the heavens deeper than the trenches of the oceans No one knows the ache of that love but she who bears it She prays and hopes that all she does is right She fed them and prayed with them and sent them…

She Sinks for No One (Hour Eight)

She sinks for no one. She is fire and love and a caressing sweet breath of wind, Playfully mussing your hair.   Love is her habit, not for gain, But because it flows.   When the darkness came to call, So brilliant was her light,…


faces blood red, dripping, salty, sticky bodies jump, twist, gyrate with and with out rhythm screams over thumping thundering bass t-shirts and leggings join the skin in a macabre duel of push and pull

World Chorus

say the bees and hummingbird in tune: we need sweet nectar, more flowers to grow and the spiders say: we need less stomping and less death please the bears chime in: We need more fish, more berries too, more seals, more ice would be nice…

Loss – 8/24

I guess I memorized the feeling of loss… I guess I look for it everywhere Sometimes I throw away something previously precious just to have a reason to be sad. I guess, I know before everything, the feeling of losing. The death grip of life…

Hour 8: Bend

They call us witches So let’s set ourselves ablaze If they turn away We’ll just watch each other burn   They say we’re useless So let’s make ourselves lame If they watch us crawl On our neighbours we will turn   They say we have…


“We need to talk.” A phrase to chill the warmest blood. “We need to talk.” The peril of the neighbourhood To make male faces pale as chalk, Suburban couples shorthand code For “Mister, you done messed up good!” “We need to talk.” Prompt: Use “we…