Picture Prompt Poem for Hour Six – Absolute Beaut

Rough-cut and wretched, But thoroughly vetted And valuable, no doubt Could handle themselves about Town And even without fineries and gowns Would cut an impressive figure With their signature Style – It’s all in the eye Of the beholder And as you grow older, You…

My Choice Bit of Calico

Devout-actor Brilliant-playwright Provocative-writer Pizza-lover Ice cream-eater Taste-tester Awe-inspirer Loyal-lover Secret-keeper Best-friend Love-maker A woman who stole my heart.  

New light

  The end Isn’t An end At all It’s just The beginning To new sunsets And rainfalls The end Is another Jumpstart New possibilities Arise When you’re able To see the sunlight And Walk into A new territory An open space One where you won’t…

#6 – Their voices

They all talk About you   Their voices Echo in your head   Their voices Bounce on the wall Of your skull Your dull skull   Is there even a brain In these walls?   Echoes echo And what hurly-burly   Headaches and nightmares Invade…

Sixth poem

It’s ninety degrees! You put clothes on a dog!? What kind of monster are you? He’s not gonna freeze! It’s not cute for your blog! And they don’t even match his shoes!

Poem #6

Are you my guardian angel? ‘Cause I think you’re missing your wings. I was told you guys have them. But, I guess I’m not an expert. You are always there, Helping, and watching over me, But not in the creepy Edward and Bella way. You’re…

Addiction Prison – 6/24

This sober life is my Albatross, heavy as a cross, Bending my neck into knots. Around me, I smell the nauseating scent of alcohol and  weed… I am too pure to be here Trapped in this addiction prison The walls all tallied with excuses like…

Poem 6/24 – My Little Critter

Poem 6 – My Little Critter I found a life, So small and round He came to me Without a sound. His eyes so big, His body so small My hand could hold him all. This little critter came to me From far away one…


Always green Always green but rarely seen The scene that’s green. Through the door Will it be there any more If I try and reach it through the door? In shadows we will watch you As the light tries to tempt us in I reach…