
you think you know me yet, my job is to become someone you don’t know

Poem #5: Conqueror

I am the conqueror I own every victory I climb every mountain I set my flag and shout into the distance I am the queen I am FIERCE My muscles burn like fire My physique sculpted out of ashes I will never quit I rush…

Judgmental (hour 5)

Its so furious to see how judgmental some persons can be, its inflicting wounds are like a sting from a bee.

When it Rains

I remain, listening. The slither of a snake, the soft hiss of rain down tin, I hear it. I taste it, metallic, sugar-sweet, a memory from some distant time. The love of a history, the kiss of a past. My peace fulfilled, my heart light….

Meeting a commendable person in a life

meeting in a group adhering good governance for all humanity enshrining life in boundless and borderless no meaning abhorring division or strife emulating in all corners though a wrecking ball at times simply being oneself emulating a living legacy indwelling spring of endless possibilities imperfect…

The Broken Man

There is a man who site on top who counts his coins and lives alone. He is not mean he is just sad. The one he loved she ran away and broke his heart. The scarlet left A broken man without a care! He is…

Poem 5

Loneliness… the sound of the soul and the heart crying together   Eve Remillard 6/13/2015

A funny thing to be in..

Being in love turns out to be funny Smiling all the time giggling for a while   Dreaming of his eyes Lips too sometimes   Its funny to be happy regardless of anything He didn’t say Hi! Or even Bye!   Though we still fly…


A hummingbird flaps its wings up to 70 times per second   Which is how fast my heart beats when you look at me And I cant find the perfect words to say So I just look at you, and smile and wonder if your…