Hour 4–Modern Age

looking up from my salad four out of five people sitting at the next table gazed at screens cupped in hands my cell phone rang

Busy Body’s Inventory

Welcome, what would you like to know? I will help as much as I can, I don’t get around much, but I see things and pay attention, you see, so, ask away, or better yet, let’s just start on the ground and see how it…

Theatre People #4

Can you smell it? The rustle of the crowd? Can you feel it? The crackle in the air. Electrifying Can you see the dust molecules swirling around the 1000 watt bulb, as it fades into life.  Bringing with it illumination and promise. Can you see…


Mostly I wear sensible shoes Conservative jewelry is what I choose. My favorite shade of lipstick is light bronze. Soft rock is the station where my radio belongs.   My life is khaki, But I dream in “Piccadilly Pink”   I wear slips under questionable…

hour 3 poem

fishing… troubling the moon… after the swim of a few fishes creating an eclipse a red-eared slider… troubling the fishing rod only the wind… the fisherman wakes up from dreamy reflections  

Fourth poem

The last of my kind And it’s all my fault. Trapped in the war I brought to a halt. And so on I travel Along the time stream In subconscious hopes That I can be redeemed


Blood is dry on arrival Possibly been dead all week He must repress the stomach For the corpse started to reek There had to be a motive For the killer he world seek Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be…

always words for you

there will always be words for you long after the credits roll and the lights are off long after the gate is closed and locked; way after midnight but just before the dew there will always be words left just for you. amazing adverbs nascent…


The birds sing their morning crescendo Telling each other Their lofty plans for the day Smoofy comes in from catting around He settles into his tower for sleep I make a second cup of coffee The sky takes on a soft pink The day begins softly The…


You were just a speck of stardust in my sky floating, lingering, a faded memory I can’t deny, the swirling galaxy in my head, my star from another universe. It’s been hundreds of light years since JOY dawned on me Didn’t notice you before as…