The Kiss That Never Was

I was lying on the ground My head in his lap. Dazzled by his smile I felt such bliss.   Someone uttered “Give him a kiss!” And his eyes twinkled down at me; That mischievous grin that was always at the ready   I leaned…

The Trip

I was able to visit a place that is out of this world.  I couldn’t describe the feeling inside when I saw then light and splendor.  At first I thought that the lights were so bright, then realize that Love was the light.  I felt…

Seeing You Again

So many years had gone by It didn’t feel like you’d missed any moments away We talked You encouraged me And when it was time for goodbyes Arms extended to embrace you in a hug Grabbed nothing but missed air An alarm sounded and you…

Road Map

Undress me Slowly With those amber eyes As the hours slip away like my clothes on the bedroom floor take your time on my curves get lost on them a road map with no destination

Prompt Idea - 2019 or onward


  For 2019, or at any point. This is a submission for a potential prompt idea… Wheelchairs; in any setting, from any perspective. Could be the family or the patient, the pet who’s never seen one or a passerby in public…write as you wish.

Prompt #5 Dreaming out loud

I have five minutes to live, what’s going to happen in 5 minutes? The flight is going to run out of fuel the plane is struggling to find landing we are surrounded by water on all sides  in a war torn region. Missiles fly,  Bombs…

Hour Five – write about a dream…

Can it be true? Is that your face I see? Welcome! Please sit and talk with me I’ve missed you so It’s been far too long Where do we begin? I have much to catch you up on What do you mean you cannot stay?…

Sundoggy (Hour Four)

Sundoggy   Fuzzy blue arms fling past my face whipping wildly in the wind.   With tail wagging, she drops her blue baby in my lap as if presenting me with the Hope Diamond, and stares eagerly into my eyes, seeking their approval.   I…

Prompt 2: places we cannot name

places we cannot name I am taught we are all one. I read the wind with my fingers to soil – could hear incantations of freedom in the whisper of poplar dancing leaves forced into jigging by gale-force Prairie winds like those dancers in enchanted…

Prompt 1: infinity

infinity in this infinite space of everything i am too many stars have fallen where i am infinite too when prayers from infinity fill me with praying fill me with prayers of infinity i am all i am in all i am in all in all in…

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