Erstwhile (2022 Poem 6)

Erstwhile Who was once most cherished in my heart I see you face each day, even though you struggle, still You persevere What drives you forward I watch you find motivation, in yourself, in others, as always You inspire Where did our paths diverge I…

Hour 6 : One of Many

I sometimes wonder If you could ever conclude The depth of my emotions The rug you pulled underneath me I showed you all the love I could give It’s worrying that you do not understand love The way I do, “I Love You” doesn’t resound…

Still a Good Daughter but More – Hour Six

I still remember that Father’s Day, 14 years ago. You wore that special ruffled purple dress I loved. You looked beautiful walking down those stairs. It made me smile. When I shook your hand, later that day, and told you that you’d been a good…

Hour Six: Dear almost

Dear almost friend I would have still met you at our secret place to exchange our sweet sorrows and star speckled dreams, to imagine a brave world where we ruled, free from restrictive curfews and the necessity of social choice. How naive were we to…

Hour 6 – A Letter from Elle

My Dear, Sweet Sarah, I remember the day you said goodbye. With a final pause in the doorway, you turned to me and smiled. We both ignored the tears that filled your eyes. “I’ll see you when I get back from Scotland.” At this point,…

Prompt 6 – I see you

Little girl with long braids, long limbs Fearless and faithful Asking questions I could not answer I am proud of you Always was, always will be You are now as old as I was When we said goodbye But I still see you Just as…

Poem 6. Dear Whoever You Were

I remember you. I remember your squishy lap, and you always having a warm towel when I played in the sprinklers. I remember snuggling my face into your soft neck. I remember you singing to us on the phone, and in the videos on the…

Birthday Photo

A birthday photo of a dog says something about the owner but little about the dog. The owner loves either all of life or only one small canine part of life. Spends money because there is money to spend or spends beyond budget and reason….