2022 hour 3 / prompt 3 “tension”

2022 hour 3 / prompt 3 “tension”   Prompt: chose – audio prompt ‘city of stars’ arr. for 2 cellos   Dance, like life, is an exercise in tension So much can be expressed with so little Knowing when to reach out Knowing when to…

Los Angeles

I actually thought the streets would sparkle with twinkling light and diamond sunshine, boundless possibility and joy in this, the City of Stars. But now I see there is no sparkle here, only lost hopes and broken promises, a world of deep darkness in this,…

Hour 3 : Blossom

Standing naked through out Capturing the winter gloom Enslaving the chilly winds Not tired of waiting for the brightest star Raising her brittle arms up in the sky As she silently suffered in pain A day came when she played with the breeze With the…

Prompt Three

  The Cellos’ Arc Juxtaposition in the first verse of the tune, the cellos’ lilt like a dance, but their haunting tones tell another story beneath the surface— how the tale will end with the promises shared in the song’s first rhythms, not held until…

#3- Ballerina

You smile across the table Your eyes locked with her dancing frame Watching, observant, as she gets lost in the music


God created a pasture of pink. Cherry colored flowers sprawled across a hillside. Crimson leaves on a lone tree. Burgundy hues against a blue sky. “Look,” said God, “a spectrum. From the light laughter of pink to a deep, brooding burgundy, I am the artist…

Melodious melancholy

One of the things I can truly say brings me earned regret is my lack of musical ability A great-aunt who taught piano offered me free lessons I passed, parents didn’t push An old soul, junior high me discovered Big Band music bought Glenn Miller…

Hour Three: Shades

Hour Three: Shades I saw amber waves of grain in a dream it must have been for they stretched for miles, so far, coast to coast, it seemed, and overtook all means to stop them. Fruitful, they were, multiplying by the thousands, millions even, standing…

Hey! I’m sorry

Hour – 3 Hey! I’m sorry She whispered, She was sorry For whatever she did, She couldn’t have forgotten that scar, She couldn’t have hidden that mark, She could have gone far, She could have lost that spark, Eternal love made her stand up And…