Arcana’s Protection

(for hour 19—the image prompt of Arcana’s shore for Onweald)   Arcana’s Protection   Arcana Scheld arrived with a high tide off the Meredore Spray from the ocean wet her face And misted her eyes a faerie gray Suitors flocked like seabirds Pecking at her…

Hour 18 – 2021.06.27 23:15PM PST

2021.06.27 23:15PM PST   I am, at this moment, horizontal, my skull rested upon the knee of a boy I barely know and  might even be smitten with.  His worn leather couch is  cool against my skin, but  his heat soaks toward me  like sunbeams…


I look into the mirror fair And wonder at the white hair there. Just a short day or two ago My hair was brown with flecks of gold. And these little crinkles around my eyes Remind me of how fast time flies. Around my lips…

portals would be a solution

I wish there was a way to say I miss you from right next to you my voice so close you can hear the longing, my breath fanning against your neck and my hand inside your hair too much longing gets lost in the distance…

Self Portrait

Leisure walking is a pastime. It pleasures me. Clears my mind. Frees my spirit. Lets me roam free without hinderance. Hate encumbrances.  Not on talking terms with copywriting. Talk on national radio. Write syndicated column for decades. Like indoors like outdoors. Do not mix the…

Self-portrait #thepoetrymarathon #prompthournineteen

To write a self portrait I have to step back And take a long good look at myself. I turn to the mirror, eyes, ears, nose, check. Two hands, two legs, a torso, quite a normal (albeit short) human specimen. Unruly hair, Glasses that balance…

Self -portrait hour 19, text poetry prompt

There’s dead grass growing all over my body as i annihilate another day in the shower, the water Drips off my chin into the rotis i make. I think of myself as a shop owner, a service provider to a variety of people in need. Paid…


Between the blank pages of my journal my pen and sticky notes, half the day passes especially on a holiday Rising early from a deep slumber filled with my sweet dreams of honeycombs and candies Penning down my thoughts and words to inspire me to…

Hour 19 – Cliffs (image prompt)

Crags and cliffs have often called me In both curiosity and caution. Their striated secrets are plain to see If I could just read them. Yet, cliffs turn to sand and soil Far slower than I age Unearthing their stories is foolhardy And calls me…

Lost in Literature – Hour Nineteen

“Books were safer than other people anyway.”  – Neil Gaiman In merely a week, I have traveled the globe Via airplane, by boat and on trains I’ve swum with the dolphins and ridden a camel I’ve crossed o’er England’s fertile plains I’ve gone back in…