(for hour 16—from the “touch” prompt for Onweald) I Thought I Touched You Today (by the character Nigel Taiman) A kind touch breezing by my hand Reminded me of you today A soft voice whisp’ring a word of kindness Sounded like something you’d…
Category: Poetry Prompt Responses
Thick Thighs Save Lives
Thick thighs save lives So I have heard it said Never before have my mighty Thors Been so complimented I have hidden them deep Under denim and cloth Loving the darkness Much more than a moth Not for fear of their look But from wandering…
16. Riding Away on You (a senrua)
You smell like freedom faintly like fresh sourdough but mostly freedom
Hour 16 – Chronoception (text prompt)
A moment is undefined time And that’s the life I live Moments A day feels like a year sometimes A month feels like a minute I could spend 20 years Ironing out my words Only to be startled By the revelation that it’s been An…
Angel Babes
Sweet little ones whose toes I long to kiss Grandmama awaits your arrival, sweet babes. I’ll rock you to sleep and sing soft lullabies, and tell bedtime stories ‘till eyes open wide fall fast shut asleep. Sweet dreams darling babes, until you arrive. Sweet blessings…
The morning after (a zuihitsu) hour 12 poem-poetry prompt response
There are too many noises in the night. Crickets chirp, bloated stomachs growl, sinuses snore. the front wings are rubbed together and is amplified by wing surface there is nothing to muffle these sounds too congested to breathe Below the belt there’s always stressed skin,…
C’est la vie, no
There once was a time a long, not forever ago when a girl told me a secret not shared with just anyone but she and I were a thing and she was the first, of a sort and what she told me shouldn’t have made…
I knew his name, Anubis, when I saw him, as if he spoke to me in my half sleep. There he stood near the wall at the sliding glass door of the house I rented, sight unseen. He looked at me as I rounded the…

#15- The Road More Travelled
What if I’d said yes, At every point of my life. Every opportunity that came my way, Taking it up without a moment’s thought. The answer to every question, That was ever asked of me. If I’d given in to life, Accepting its way of…
Hour 15 – Portal (image prompt)
The day they appeared It wasn’t all at once. Some appeared in tandem but most, most were static All were the same icy blue And through them came the shadows Harmless shadows latching on To our own shadows Some gained many shadows Some gained only…