Spam and Mac I don’t eat much from childhood Not that I don’t like it – The food that is I just can usually eat better. There is however a staple From my 16th year Which reminds me to stay grateful For the job that…
Category: Poetry Prompt Responses
Hour 9: comfort food
lentils and rice Slow-cooked Yellow from turmeric Fragrant with spices Hot, steaming Delicious Dip into memory and take a large helping of khichadi
Hour 8 – Mancala Stones – Image prompt
Mancala stones Shining and pretty Lovely little bits n bobs Jade in color I want to put them in my mouth Swirl the rocks around my teeth Like candy, though they could Actually break my jaw with ease Each little rock a seed A row…
Saviour (Hour 8)
I will cry for my mother till my eyes grow sore My father’s sister moved in the day after– she says her name is “second mummy” Her body was only buried hours ago But her replacement sits here trying to fit into her shoes…
Social media is manna from cyber-heaven, crystalizing the adage ‘thank G-d for unanswered prayers’ A daily spin through various forms of online socializing covers a wide range of connections; business, personal old friends, new associates, friends-of-friends, old lovers Those you have joined in moving back…
Hour Eight: Small Town Gigan
Hour Eight: Small Town Gigan Small towns dream of skyscrapers and busy streets as the coffee perks and the usual crowd gathers for eggs and gossip. Johnsons’ hound got into Maeve’s hens again and now there’s hell to pay. And what’s that sky gonna do,…
The day of the bluebirds (Indiana in April)
Five women gather at the meadow to hear the rangers talk about bluebirds – how they are related to robins and almost went extinct because of habitat loss. The rangers are young women, and they are enthusiastic about the birds, showing off a nest in…
Life does not owe you anything (hour 8)
life does not owe you anything, even if you think so, love does not owe you anything, even if someone loves you too, happiness is not necessary, neither is sadness, the way you live is dependent on none but you, if you get luck…
Hour 8 – Giga Necromancer – Text Prompt
I have raised far more than razed, the dead At night they call and I must heed, the deep Necromantic dread. For none who lived and Recall the life which brought them sorrow Are content with ash and soil, threatened By the afterlife’s turmoil. And…
Hour Eight – Princess Dreaming
Princess Dreaming Sleeping Beauty arises from her sleep To find that Cinderella has taken over the kitchen She has mixed the lentils with the peas She has put the ladles in with the spoons She has let in the birds and small creatures Finding the…