Category: Poetry Prompts
Is Anybody Listening
Words I long to say Feelings that betray Truths, found here and there Dying without expression Lingering, echoing Words I long to say Afraid to feel that way Dying without expression Afraid to feel that way The past reverberating Is anybody listening Lingering,…
one fine day
Keep facing One fine day you will. Keep facing. Boldly blatantly , fear gnawing at your innards But keep facing. Keep staring into his eyes Even if you’re shit scared. Even if its dark. Keep facing. One fine day you will be across. …
Please introduce yourself Among the poets here Among the new friends We have yet to meet. Please introduce yourself Tell us who Tell us where And especially tell us why. Please introduce yourself Give us a tiny glimpse Of you, as a poet You, as…
Clutter of humanity cackle past their cocoon of cheap beer and sunscreen. Afternoon inertia. The scorching red of a languid sun. They take a stroll among the flying shades animated by an intruding breeze, and the cigarettes that meet their violent end. The…
See Life
Take control of your Joy Let no one destroy it Inner peace is the key Hold on tight and don’t quit jj2017
Prompt #3
Smile wide, shoulders straight, stand tall, hands on your hips, chin high. gaze low. Walk like you have everything going for you right here in this moment, All eyes on you. Sit with your legs folded, nod politely, speak only when spoken to, tie your…
From Above
Viewed from above, the beauty of the ocean is a lie that stretches as far as the eye can see. A painting or a photo: flat and continuing past the frame’s edge. Hidden from above, the beauty of the ocean revealed. Reflecting sunlight conceals the…
Prompt For Hour Four
The prompt for this hour is to write a four stanza poem. The stanzas can be as long or short as you want them to be. In each of the stanzas, you most repeat one of the lines in the first stanza. It can be…
Natural Season Of Time
Earth moves as wind blows Starts a fire time for the water to overflow Nature’s calling The Earth wakes up Constant movement produces combustion through the wind A heavy a flow of water puts out the fire The cycle continues day to day Earth, Wind,…