I’ve stayed awake all day, and night Tis’ the 24th hour and I’ve survived Some have failed, so many of us succeeded Through our eyes the coffees bled And whilst, most full marathoners will be running off to lay their weary…
Category: Poetry Prompts
In the dead of the night, when the whole world is fast asleep It’s when I am truly awake, enlightened and graced by words. Every night, people are safely tucked under their favorite blankets, dreaming dreams…. I, on the other hand, wrapped up cozy in…
Prompt Twenty-four
Thoughts tumble through my head As snores whisper softly in the night I itch to make myself useful But fear waking anyone up Pacing silent, I listen to the house hum Noticing background noises without laughter It’s an eerie kind of peaceful Despite the plans…
Jus gotta find myself… Its dark and I’m runnin I feel blinded…but I’m seeing dark I gotta get em off my back This deceiving Me…wonder why I never found the tree Why I couldn’t eat Why is it just heart ache and pain left to…
Reasons – Motivation for a Poetry Marathon
Why would you do that? Because I love to write What will you get from that? A satisfaction at night How much are you going to be paid? Not a single dime Who would make you do such a thing? This writing passion of mine
Prompt for Hour Twenty Four
Congratulations – you are almost there. The last prompt is to write a poem about doing something that others are not doing, such as being awake while those around you are asleep.
Secret Garden
Escape the world in the sights and serenity The hummingbirds stop by and birds sing a melody The roses nearby create aromas divine I desire to escape in this private world of mine
Had to
A rusty, unmanageable gate welcomed her the second her eyes rest on it A season of dry and blazing heat of Kedah make those smelly bubbles gallop happily from armpit A carpet of not-designed-as-dry dying grass became the food of her foot, she strode gently…
Farm – Prompt Twenty-three
The red barn sits, used only for storage An old farm truck sit by a gravel hill Wooden corrals are overrun by cattails The tractor’s bucket peeks our by the barn Calves have been replaced by motorbikes Trees have been removed for good Things have changed…
My secluded island surrounded by friends Creating the barrier so that, I may have calmer waters within My hammock tied between two trees swings, ever so lightly with the breeze the soft caress, of their well~wishes whispers along my skin the…