Unnatural Nature – Prompt Fourteen

Concrete jungles rise high in the sky Most things green have been killed out A small oak sapling has risen Fighting against all odds beside a cafe It digs its roots as deep as possible Creating problems as it grows and grows Money spent along…


HUH??   “Welcome home!” “Thank you,” he said to appease me. “How are you?” my sentence began. He replied,  “I’m fine, how are you, my old friend?   Now there’s someone who knows where respect grows. Pardon me, if I lose you, on this one.  …

Missing – Prompt Thirteen

Sobbing sorrow wreaks havoc on hearts A child is missing, having vanished in the air Parents lie awake at night, guilt eating at them Efforts once made are now tossed aside Hope has been tossed away to the wind

Trailing Jeep – Prompt Twelve

A lake sits beside a trailed forest A Jeep comes roaring through Landing on a stump, a tire goes flat Panic ensues as a struggle occurs A fight that finally frees the spare The moon highly risen above the world Before the Jeep roars to…


#PoemNo19 Everyone you meet and greet, or even chat with will pose with this formal greeting ‘’How are you?’’ As it is regarded as an unspoken but practiced social norm which reflects common decency and polite courtesy. To that I will revert back with a…

The common words

We shall traveled together Okay, Uncle… By motorcycle. Excuse me. Her voice was restrained from saying no more at her uncle at his relentless effort so they docked her luggage between the space of their seats. Thank you… What for, Uncle? Without you, no one…

Taken Out of Context

Excuse me? I can make my own Excuses Thank you!   Pardon me, For asking~ How are you?   This hopeless world Welcome home Where most, don’t really care. Have a nice day   Excuse me, for hoping.   ©2016 Amanda Potter

Prompt For Hour Nineteen

Write a poem that contains one or more of the following common phrases but uses them in a different context than they are usually used. Ideally you would use more than one of the phrases, or repeatedly use the same phrase. “Welcome home” “Thank you”…

HOUR 18 Veirdoff… who needs it!

Veirdoffus Chuben… who needs it!   I have so many stories all of them true most about dogs,  as I’ve had a few. From shepherds to dobies and a mixture or two.   Let me start with our shepherd, who had a friend Benjy, a beagle he…

An orange with white dots female Turkish Angora

At first she was awestruck looking at the female kitten’s fur so fluffy and orange with its white face and orange nose the kitten went back cuddling at it’s mother.   It has been two months since the kitten was born It run here and…