Green Green Grass still turns brown

I thought I found peace in you like the smell of fresh cut grass under a white picket fence on a summer day in one of those all american towns where ice cream trucks summons kids to scream for joy but you were not that…

Farewell Ode

In the beginning, I couldn’t wait to get out Now that the end is near, Can’t seem to stop the breaking of my heart. How did I come to love this place? I never planned for it to happen. Tearing, lost and lonely, I found…

Like everyone else

Don’t worry about the heat, because everyone feel the same.   Move your feet a step in front, because Pluto is leaving.   Rinse your hand dry, properly, disinfect it.

Poem 2

Wake up   Office to home, home to office, that all we are left for.. We sleep, not to dream, but to wake up next morning. We eat, not to feel the real taste, but to fill our empty stomach. We do makeup, although never…

Hour 2 Prompt- I can never forget

Wrapped in the moonlight, I tell him everytime, Hold me tight, hold me tight, Let me feel the balmy breeze, And let it nestle in my soul, Don’t let me go away, Just hold me tight, hold me tight, Across the valley, Hand in hand,…

Poem 1

Why I started writing.. Collecting hundred of thoughts collecting memories.. but where are they? After years, when we grow old, wrinkled, skinny, blind.. we forget evething.. only blur images left in mind. I started to write.. to save all the moments of life every piece…

Hour 1 Prompt – Childhood Diaries

Outside my ancestral home, I revisit those memories of childhood, Clink of my anklets in the yard, Pumping out water from the well, Our endless giggles as we play, Chasing the colourful kites across the fence, What I see now is an illusion Everything wrapped…

Prompt For Hour Two

Listen to the following song and then write a poem. You can write while listening, or after listening, depending on your own personal preference.  

#1 – The Left Side of Paradise (The End of Something)

running away like children, invisible as the wind running away like children, needing to pretend running away like children, dreaming of anywhere running away to someplace, never here nor there The left side of paradise, where trains run all night long, where people dance in…

Restart Error

My screen is stuck, after countless times of restarting an error message appears “cut the chords” So, I threw it out window and never looked back.