Hour 22: Twerking with Lizzo

If I had energy, I’d bring out Lizzo Who’d ask me how I was feeling And I would stick out my booty, Grinding to the rhythm, Tossing my braids while checking my broken nails, Shouting to the world and Lizzo, “Good as hell!”   Because…

The Skylights – Hour Twenty-Two

You walked into the living room and flat lined by the chair We had to let the medics know that you were in despair They found a pulse, you tracked your eyes and squeaked a last Goodbye Before you faded out again through the lights…

Hour 21: Ode to the Marathon

You began with the end When I was prepped and primed   You carried me effortless Through your prompts Music and lyrics and images   I burned the hours Breezing through barriers, Keeping time   Until the half point When some would stop You shoved…

Hour 20: Walking the Night

“I have been one acquainted with the night. … I have outwalked the furthest city light” (Robert Frost).   No remote nature road for me Where small rustles in the grass chill my gut, Where moon and stars play hide and seek Behind brooding verdant…

Hour 19: Four have broken away

Four have broken away From the hive To go wading in the sea Can’t you see? The soft surf has not yet Erased the lines they made in the sand   Curb your worry The little one will not drown; The foam’s too gentle to…

Poem IX: Palettes and Paintings

The colour of modesty is rouge. It is the shade of the clouds as it witnesses the consummation of two skies; The colour of your thoughts on my skin; Blossoming roses when I sigh your remembrance to the winds; my palms pressed in prayers for…

Meeting places #thepoetrymarathon #prompthourtwenty

That thin line between the full moon and insanity… That ribbed edge of the flower bed where only weeds grow… That gold brocade of the wedding saree I never wore again… That flicker of light caught in a raindrop poised to fall… That quiet chirp…

Self-portrait #thepoetrymarathon #prompthournineteen

To write a self portrait I have to step back And take a long good look at myself. I turn to the mirror, eyes, ears, nose, check. Two hands, two legs, a torso, quite a normal (albeit short) human specimen. Unruly hair, Glasses that balance…