Poem 24

The night drags on and still I sit here Alone in my room with just my pen with me These are the nights to be remembered fondly Where a task was given and was then completed I have stood against the night and I have…


Hour – 24 Best? What’s that To me, it’s Being unlike the rest But If you stand out Would they accept Initially, They might not Because this is the way the world operates You are presumed to adopt The conventional trail If you embarked empirically…

Sleep deprived, depraved, deneeded

Awake for over twenty-four hours at work on a project pulling an all-nighter far easier when I was far younger My clock got sluggish at three A.M. and all I hear in my head is Cat Stevens singing ‘Morning has Broken…’ I need to add…

Poem 24: Endure

Keep the fire burning, As the cold winds blow. Shoulder the blades, That tear at your dreams. Hope is yours to keep.

Hour Twenty Four-Pillowtalk

i feel a daisy move near my ear, i may have drifted off into my dreams. eyes closed- a whiff of his cologne brings a familiar warmth. ‘go back to sleep love’, he tells me. my dreams aren’t as beautiful as this right now. I…

Hour 24

Human bodies are forever bound to stardust. It is said that ashes turn to ashes, but really,  flesh turns to dust turns to stars turns to black holes  turns to the digestion of light. And here I am, walking around with stomach cramps. Yet how…

Hour 24 hope

hope for the best that’s what everyone said but how to hope in hope when one is confused and sans hope when all i see is the caterpillar me and what i want it s butterfly to be i want to believe, lord please help…