They want us docile and simple Weak and attentive Leaving our desires behind Shunning our passionate nature The want us voiceless And suffering in silence They want us calm and unaware But as the fire burns through the sky As it rips through the stars…
Tag: #2023hour3
Perspective Shift
She is not lonely. She’s protected.
11:00 AM – Homegoings (Hour 3)
The way we move from body to body shifting the names from grief to grief has to weigh heavily on our souls ~ d², 09.02.23, 11:52 AM Copyright D Squared Poetry, 2023. © All Rights Reserved.

Hour 3 image prompt – An Isolation
Perhaps merely lonely The griefling sought out like Perhaps merely lonely They stole a yellow bike Perhaps merely lonely They hid in a dark alley Perhaps merely lonely They set a monster free Perhaps merely lonely The monster ran amok Perhaps merely lonely And by…
Chasing Inspiration
I scout around, I scent the air Quite fruitlessly I cast my fly No inspiration anywhere The barren minutes flutter by My thoughts net only empty space Quite fruitlessly I cast my fly My idle pen just spins in place Vague doodles overtake the page…
Hour 3
I wonder why we have such trouble letting Venice sink or abandoning New Orleans in the wake of Katrina with all the toxins embedded in the buildings and soil. We cannot right the axis of the earth, stop the ice caps from melting, clean the…
Hour 3 text prompt – the poetry project
“Give each project at least one line. You should open the poem with the first project, and close it with the last, but otherwise use the projects in whatever order you like. Do all twenty. Let different ones be in different voices. Don’t take things…