High above the sky balloons fly, Through wings of freedom, I want relief from boredom. Filling my life with vibrant pastels, Making me ecstatic and humble. Ideal for decoration, The birthday bash is an exciting day of celebration. Enjoy & sing along, Hassle-free lifelong….
Tag: children
What’s at play? (hour 14 prompt)
I was on the road today city-to-city with ample time due to detours and errands spent driving through smaller, rural communities as well as city and suburban neighborhoods It is summer the weather good leaving me puzzled, in dismay passing well-stocked parks equipment filled playgrounds…

#14- Little Minds
Little people running around, Chasing each other shrieking. Remember being that little, Remember the world revolving around you? Big hopes in their little minds, Imaginations vast but small at the same time. A little universe around each of them, The planets and moons forming halos….
Poetry Marathon Submission #5
Perseid’s Shower Submission #5 Ann WJ White We laid on our backs. Lake Itasca, the beginning of the Mississippi parkland. A family waiting for the dusk to transmogrify into night full of stars and silence. Waiting for meteors to travel at thirty-five seconds per mile…
The Covering
As I watched my children sitting underneath the umbrella I wanted to take a picture As thoughts of them being covered came to me Thoughts of they are covered when I am not there Because I have failed to cover them when I was there…
A Teacher’s Craft
There are high pitched giggles of youth combining with swirling motion, a never ending energy There are colorful walls filled with impressionistic art as fictional characters dance across the floor. A light streams in from a hidden door as an invisible wand… oak, supple, dragon…
14. Tomatoes and such!
Evening time was the best Tomatoes were ripe and ready For plucking Steam them and squash them Put them into Jars Don’t let the Children know That inside each jar is also A bit of kindness, a dash of smile A handful of love and…

Firefly Children
As evening turns to night, the fireflies come out to play, as do children, their mason jars in hand. But in my distopian world, firefly-hunting kids are a mystery, because it’s the children that glow in Steampunkland. (Prompt: Choose 5 words.)
A Letter to You
I hope that it will be The best day of your life. That I prepare the best I can, Though I don’t always get it right. That I will strive to do all I need to do, To shape a better world for you, One…
Friday Night
Carrie shivered her chilled skin untouched by the piles of blankets on her bed. Her pale face bleached by the waxing moon that shone in through the thin cotton curtains. Mum had made them from a tablecloth bought from a charity shop. They didn’t quite…