Keep glib quotations away from me Remove patronising soporific poetry   I don’t care for prayers   Nothing satisfies or placates me in your inevitable absence   I still rise early to greet you to make you laugh and tell you stories   To hear…

Hour 8: Tracking Shadows

( from music prompt at YT: Max Richter “On the Nature of Daylight” )   :Repeat: I watch the way light flows -over flagstones -over walls -over water Catches my attention at odd times And when it does I sit, remembering. And think, and…

Hour 8

The preacher for the graveside service was provided by the funeral home called my father Jesse for the entire ceremony but his name was Jess Being laid to rest under a false name on a cold and rainy November morning is a sad way to…

Hour 8 – Song prompt Funeral Singers

inspired by this song here So much loss in losing Not so much picking it or choosing Little lifes like candles Buzzing out a tune Funeral singer bee keeping When magnets report the queen Buzzing her tune no more Pray for successions Return, return to me…

Hour 7: Lament at the End of Days

I woke to her weeping He declined quickly Particular – although they’d likely say ‘undiagnosed’ now Proud, traditional too Farmers are like that, I recall seeing the droughts I woke to her weeping The land had once been parched, now so was he Unable to…

Labor Day Reflections

Eleven years ago Since you breathed your last I wasn’t there Didn’t get to say goodbye I heard I was asked for Eleven years ago But when I checked to be sure I was denied this truth I agonized over your passing And wanted one…

Silent Witnesses

We walked by a statue every day for a hundred days never knowing what lay inside   We walked over a bridge every day for two hundred days never knowing what lay beneath   We walked under a tree every day for three hundred days…

Hour 6

the medieval faithful believed Spain’s Cape Finisterre was the end of the world and to sail beyond that horizon was to fall off the very face of the earth I stand on the rocky shore and feed the strands of my mother’s hair to the…

Hour 4: Goodbye, Two Weeks Shy

To have and to hold from this day forward In sickness and in health Two weeks shy …there’s an odd feeling of displacement in that In the midst of the grief Tears upon tears Rage at the universal unfairness of the universe Rage and tears…

Chang, Frank; Unsplash

Hour 3 image prompt – An Isolation

Perhaps merely lonely The griefling sought out like Perhaps merely lonely They stole a yellow bike Perhaps merely lonely They hid in a dark alley Perhaps merely lonely They set a monster free Perhaps merely lonely The monster ran amok Perhaps merely lonely And by…

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