Ode to Facebook

Oh my love, my darling love, and in the words of a well known song, ‘you’re my favourite waste of time’ my opening to the outside world. My lifeline how you trap me in knowledgeable clutches you ensnare. I demand to know how many likes…

Communication (prompt 5)

The cord wrapped around my finger, Stretched out on the kitchen floor, That’s how it used to be done. Communication between two people.   Now, we Tweet, Face, Snap, Chat, and Text. In groups of three or more, a conversation so big The message is…


All hail the almighty like ! Hold on to it for your dear life. No, really, be vigilant and watch your friends – who likes, who doesn’t, who pretends. A like can save you from tsunami, can gain you sales on origami, can save a…

Frienemies 2016

140 Characters They can celebrate or slaughter you One quick story, false or true And you can’t catch it soon enough To like or react It must be a fact. It’s posted on Facebook Right? Did she Snapchat the tonight? Because pictures have taken all…