Eleven years ago Since you breathed your last I wasn’t there Didn’t get to say goodbye I heard I was asked for Eleven years ago But when I checked to be sure I was denied this truth I agonized over your passing And wanted one…
Tag: family
Turkey Day!
Turkey Day! My few last days to spend with my sweet babe My little girl has all grown up, and married now. Those days we spend, as I listen to her sweet voice and sit with her and him for movie nights and wine. And…
My life is abundant with enriching gatherings — maybe God spoils me with these, parishioners, praying friends, generous with time and selves like even more family.. Nativity is a Catholic parish that has welcomed me warmly smiling and chatting and encouraging my ideas sharing…

#24- (s)miles Away
Finally where I wanted to be, Miles away from the rest of the world, Always running, The race never really stops. But pause, it did, As if the earth was exhaling and letting go, Time come to a standstill, Much like the broken clock. As…
Poem Marathon Submission #6
Lost and Redemption of a Life Ann WJ White Awakening the morning, waiting for it to rise, I follow a small tortiseshelled cat to her breakfast, carefully apportioned puree of chicken served on a glass dish, glistening. She is the reason for rising, for dancing,…
Did I come to this, A seeker of thrills? An heiress of my father’s pastimes Faced with an uncertain future, A seeker of thrills? Adventurous and naïvely dancing Braving with fate. Always was mature for my age Adventurous and naïvely dancing Begotten of my mortality Always…
Warm glowing crackles from the stone hearth as the circle begins to grow. Murmuring voices gather into lilting laughter and stories of growing old. The davenport is getting seedy from generations of hands and bodies. Oils that have left behind their traces; ghosts of friends…

Family is not a tree With only names to bear Family is not people in a home When there’s a lack of care Family is people brought together With love in their hearts they share Giving freely without condition And not a moment to spare…
The Seventh Hour
MEANING a pizza box can mean many things like he was late from work and decided to not make dinner or that it’s family movie night on a cold Friday and popcorn’s in the microwave. possibly there’s nothing worse than when one reaches for…
I got my love of learning from my father He also gave it to my brother I got my love of people from my mother who also shared this with my sister I am reminded I am not alone by my friend and forced to…