STAINED SOUL My stained soul Silently crying for freedom My stained soul Desperate for a loving touch My stained soul Craving unlimited hope My stained soul Grieving what we never had
Tag: freedom
Nevermind the Heroic
Heroes of the sixth sit, like slaves, in a cell six by six, while they play business as usual. Viscous lies, vicious against heroes of the sixth. Brave, unpaid soldiers for the free world. Snakes in suits remind themselves with heroes of the sixth that……
Goodness gracious! It’s a crime… isn’t it? Last time I checked, yes… Let me look again. Hold on… Ah, yes… ACLU, except they’re left-wing liberal extremists. Sigh… hold on, let me look again… Of course! First Amendment! Except that’s a right-wing extremist talking point –…

Tainted Freedom in Confession
i don’t know how i got here don’t know how i’ll get back home this weight is just too heavy i’ll soon be broken and alone her funeral, not the place for this confession but, if not here, then where, or when i have…
Earth 2016
The world is flat with a fence around the perimeter. Braying, mewling people scramble seeking freedom. But no one can be bothered with the gate.