prompt #2: coffee & change

coffee and change ~   Portland and the homeless encroach like zombies on the lucky the ones who live in houses   in apartments have homes have families who still speak have coffee and change we who have it do not fear it but without the…


Roaming Round and round Confounded by The fruition of good things That comes to those who wait patiently, But he waited and waited more, As he explored And slept on floors Never to find The hidden warmth inside Of a family or a home So…

XI. A Meager Meal

Every Saturday my lover and I Gathered with the other well-fed volunteers to load meals into a van, and then drive to our stations in Manhattan to hand them out, One-by-one. Mothers pushing strollers with Crack-glazed eyes, and Old men in ill-fitting overcoats lined up…

Hour 11 – Homeless Persona

You Could Be Me I can see you as your feeding parking meters without heeding this sign I am holding, pleading, trying to feed my family. I see you on the cell phone calling someone as my baby’s bawling. On my face the tears are…

A homeless home

Home. I left a home I loved, too eager for adventure. I sought the nomadic life, hoping to find life’s secrets. I traveled the globe, crossed oceans, traversed the mountains. Without a place with deep deep roots- I was homeless. A house but no home….

Ain’t No Love On The Streets

Ain’t no love out here… Lots of fear. I ain’t scared no more; I’m only a whore. Ain’t got no house… Have a pimp, he’s a louse! Ain’t no perks… Just johns and jerks. And all of ’em are shit; Ain’t worth their wives spit….