Poetry Marathon Hour 14:

Poem 14: Imagine someone has sent you a text message at one am saying “do you ever think of me?” how do you respond < From I am Incomplete without you prompt journal   “Do you ever think of me?” comes across my far too…

Hour 14 – Imaginary Children

I remember Blossom who kept me company when Dad was angry she sang “Row, Row, Row Your Boat” lazily and merrily and tried not to be scared, so I could be brave I remember taking Blossom with me to kindergarten that first day when I…

This Prineville Wind!

Oh Mother Earth, what’s with this wind? It’s summer now, and time to send the twilight heat, not rain and hail! I had to turn the heater on and with a blanket keep my tootsies warm! The winter snow to no avail Is months away!…

Plant kingdom

It started with a fire Blazing hot brutal devastating howling winds with forked tongues licked flames kicking them higher melting metal shattering glass obliterating concrete human screams lost in raging infernos crawling across the planet all was charred all was scarred a wasteland Time passed…

Dying in Hollywood

A new Hollywood apartment. My parents came to visit one January. My father discovered plants dying on my back patio. He was disgusted with me. “They are not mine!” I affirmed. “They are now!” he said, furiously watering them. I reflect on those plants from…

California Gold

I feel an affinity toward wildflowers Sneaking out from underneath chain link and barbed wire fences Kindred spirits They always make me smile I stop to say hello to wild poppies We chat about the sunny weather and the Delta breeze We welcome the buzzing…


Sinewy tendrils push Apart a crack, Minute and invisible Moving closer to a surface Of air, and water, and sun Tender hairs wiggle Soil into small canals, Stretching out, reaching for Space, and nutrients, and life Spindles of green shoot Upward straight trajectory Toward the…

In the Thrall

Been to a festival lately? Forget the main attractions No one is there for the music It’s all about the bacon There was a time when it could be ignored Now, bacon is in your face! In your artisan beer In your candy In your…