Stupid Recipe Prompt 1/2 marathon poem #2

Stupid Recipe Prompt 1/2 marathon poem #2 Take 1 stupid prompt. Add a generous helping of overcomplicated rules. Add approximately 500-1000 frustrated poets. A dash of desperation. Allow to boil over furiously for about an hour. Ignore for 24 hours before tasting – mostly bitter.

Recipe for Unconditional Love

Rescue dog from a shelter Foster dog (one, two or three) Pregnancy via your best friend California King bed Music First, go to a high kill animal shelter. Select one or two dogs using heart and intuition. Wait one year for dogs to decompress and…

Creation (prompt 2 hour 2)

The sandbox is where the magic happens. A universe of particles waiting to be created by the force of intention, Animated into being by thought. The I AM dances in shifting forms always in motion, never still, A restless magnetism holding all life in shapes…

The Blue-Haired Fool

He bewitches from the screen, A word per drop of caffeine; He reads to her her fortune From an old newspaper in June. The blueness appears to spread For now, it’s on his forehead, Then at once, his nose it shines And from the sky…


No tricks No illusions No miracles No deception No sleight of hand No Houdini or Henning No mystical mumbo-jumbo No elaborate attempts at misdirection No sparkly filters or rose-coloured spectacles None of that When eyes meet, the connection is made— feelings sensed, warmth felt sometimes…

Yes! Its Right.

Hunting is dangerous, Finding is the right word. While looking for the next one We keep scrolling.   Windows are opened, Shelves are shuffled again And we keep scrolling.   Take a walk outside Look at the trees Smile at squirrels Play with a cat…

Valhalla Screams

Coveted silence, coveted night, revelations flood like streams of light.  When purpose ceases, when vision fails, when love is gone,  I can hear every banshee’s wail.  I see the wooden plots cresting on the water’s gentle waves.  Archers with their flaming bows, aiming towards the floating…

It’s Home #2

It’s always a good morning when I wake up naturally And it doesn’t hold a five year old yelling out “MUUUUMMY I need the toilet and I think I’ve spilt milk down the stairs And can you get the vacuum out, ’cause I’ve pulled out…

A Day at the Flea

The fog is slowly lifting I feel it whispering to me “two hours west” Promises of a good morning with rich coffee The Bay beckons to grand adventure at The Treasure Island Flea. Anticipation and glee fuel my drive through the valleys and passes Wind…